December 14th, 2009

Five reasons why this is the only online SEO marketing blog entry you will ever need to read

Today's guest author is a prolific columnist and consultant about SEO strategies and author of the e-book Nine Thousand, Eight Hundred Seventy Six Ways To Put Your Site In Front Of People Who Have No Use Of Your Services, available soon from Churnumout Press.

It happens to the best of us: We get stuck in the marketing doldrums. To break yourself out of your marketing doldrums, you should do some kind of search engine optimization that you haven't done before. Search engine optimization is the process of optimizing your site for the benefit of being found through search engines. One of the best ways of learning about breaking out of marketing doldrums through search engine optimization (or SEO, as the experts call it – and now you can be one too!) is to read a numbered list, for which there is an example below.

  1. Read a numbered list of SEO strategies, of which this is one.
  2. Break yourself out of your marketing doldrums, for example by doing some kind of SEO you haven't done before.
  3. Try a new SEO strategy, because it may break you out of your marketing doldrums.
  4. There may be things you haven't tried before in the realm of SEO, so study numbered lists of them for ideas. For example, this one. Many people find this useful for breaking themselves out of their marketing doldrums.
  5. Many SEO experts recommend experimenting with new SEO strategies. Such things are available online, helpfully itemized in numbered lists.

Do you often find, after skimming to the end of a blog about online marketing full of useless factoids gleaned through lazy research from Wikipedia, a pointless and awkwardly-phrased leading question meant to invite conversation in a hollow attempt at fostering traffic and precious advertising revenue? Tell us about it by using the commenting form to comment!

One Response to "Five reasons why this is the only online SEO marketing blog entry you will ever need to read"

  1. Eric Scheirer says:

    Many comments on blogs like this, unfortunately, are simply thinly-veiled sales pitches. To learn more, check out my new book "Sell Books By Commenting On SEO Blogs," available from and other fine online retailers.